Sonia Bansal
sonia.bansal@duke.eduAssistant Professor of the Practice in the Department of Biomedical Engineering
Assistant Professor of the Practice in the Department of Biomedical Engineering
BME Director of Undergraduate Studies, Claude B. Williams and David M. Hesse Associate Professor of the Practice
Professor of Biomedical Engineering
Embryonic and adult stem cell therapies for heart and muscle disease; cardiac and skeletal muscle tissue engineering; cardiac electrophysiology and arrhythmias; genetic modifications of stem…
Integration of computational and experimental methodologies to design novel proteins for applications in genome editing, targeted protein modulation, and reproductive bioengineering
Alan L. Kaganov Distinguished Professor of Biomedical Engineering
Focused on biomolecular materials and biointerface science and emphasizes the development of applications that span the range from bioseparations, biosensors, biomaterials, and targeted drug delivery.
Associate Dean for Doctoral Education, Theodore Kennedy Professor of BME
The design of biomaterials for a range of biomedical applications, with a focus on understanding and controlling adaptive immune responses. Most materials investigated are created…
Assistant Professor of Biomedical Engineering
Use of large-scale biomedical datasets to model and guide personalized therapies.
Machine learning, computer vision, neurobiology, animal behavior, computational neuroscience, prognostic modeling, traumatic brain injury
Director of Master's Studies, Anderson-Rupp Professor of BME
Focused on medical imaging and machine learning to improve the overall health and vision outcome of patients with ocular and neurological diseases (e.g., age-related macular…
Associate Director of Master's Studies, Associate Professor of the Practice in the Department of BME
Innovation & product development processes, design for manufacture
Chair of Biomedical Engineering, Paul M. Gross Distinguished Professor
stem cells, biomaterials, hypoxia, blood vessels, physics of cancer, regenerative medicine
John W. Strohbehn Distinguished Professor of Biomedical Engineering
Gene therapy, genomics and epigenomics, biomolecular and cellular engineering, regenerative medicine, and synthetic biology.
Edmund T. Pratt, Jr. School Distinguished Professor of Biomedical Engineering
Neural engineering and neural prostheses and include design and testing of electrodes and stimulation techniques, the electrical properties of tissues and cells, and computational neuroscience…
Using and developing systems biology tools and technologies to describe and control spatial relationships between cells in tissues, particularly in cell therapies.
James L. and Elizabeth M. Vincent Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering
Focused on understanding, on a molecular level, how mechanical and chemical cues from the environment are detected, integrated, and manipulated by cells to dictate physiological…
Computational optics, machine learning, and designing new algorithms for image processing. A main focus is to improve how we capture and use images of microscopic…
Nello L. Teer, Jr. Distinguished Professor of Biomedical Engineering, in the Edmund T. Pratt, Jr. School of Engineering
Methods for prophylaxis against STD's, emphasizing topical microbicides and contraception; biofluid mechanics; rheology and transport phenomena; biophysical aspects of mammalian sperm motility, sperm transport, and…
Associate Director of Undergraduate Studies, Assistant Professor of the Practice in the Department of BME
Education advances in biomolecular/cellular engineering, mathematical modeling of biological systems, biotechnology design, and integrating ethics in BME curriculum. Expanding authentic research experiences in undergraduate education.
Professor of the Practice in the Department of Biomedical Engineering
W. H. Gardner, Jr. Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering
Focused on genetically engineering microbes to shut off their growth circuits and turn on new pathways to produce different compounds—improving production of biofuels, pharmacological molecules…
Neural engineering, computational neuroscience, brain imaging, and the design of human neuromodulation systems. Special expertise in the biophysics of brain stimulation and recording.
Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS cells), disease mechanisms, regenerative medicine, molecular and cellular basis of human kidney development and disease, organ engineering, patient-specific disease models,…
An expert in head and neck impact injury biomechanics, Dr. Myers is interested in translational research innovation—overseeing programs to advance faculty research to market.
Director of Graduate Studies, Theo Pilkington Distinguished Professor of BME
Ultrasonic and elasticity imaging; image-guided therapies; biomechanical tissue modeling; ultrasonic bioeffects.
The main objectives of Professor Nikiforov’s research program includes identification and therapeutic exploitation of mechanisms underlying the deregulated transcription programs and metabolism in melanoma and…
Professor of the Practice in the Department of Biomedical Engineering
Ultrasonic imaging, specifically using acoustic radiation force to characterize the mechanical properties of tissue, and finite element analysis of soft tissue response to impulsive radiation…
Robert W. Carr, Jr., Distinguished Professor of Biomedical Engineering
Biomedical engineering, biophotonics, women's cancers, global health, engineering design
Alfred Winborne and Victoria Stover Mordecai Associate Professor of Biomedical Sciences
Biomedical simulation and high-performance computing
Integration of active machine learning, biomedical data science, and biochemical experiments for the analysis and design of personalized therapeutic opportunities.
Professor of the Practice in the Department of Biomedical Engineering
Innovation, Medical Device Design, Design Ethnography, Design Pedagogy, Global Health Technologies, Entrepreneurship.
First-year engineering education, with a focus on design
Polymer theory and computer simulations
Director, First-Year Design Program, Professor of the Practice in the Department of BME
Innovations in undergraduate engineering education, particularly new pedagogical methods that broaden students’ problem solving skills and design thinking.
The design of biomaterials to promote endogenous repair and reducing inflammation through the design of the geometry of the material, and delivering genes, proteins and…
Neuronal circuits of the brain, including recording from single neurons and studying the effects of inactivating or stimulating well-defined brain areas. His goals are to…
Super-resolution ultrasound imaging; ultrafast 3D ultrasound imaging; deep learning applications in ultrasound imaging; ultrasound shear wave elastography.
Our goal is to bridge the gap between the study of brain as a computational device and the search for novel neuropathological treatments. We develop…
Robert Plonsey Distinguished Professor of Biomedical Engineering
Medical ultrasound, image guided surgery, adaptive imaging, imaging of tissue's mechanical properties, and radiation force imaging.