Jason F Luck
Biomedical Engineering
Assistant Research Professor in the Department of Biomedical Engineering

Research Themes
Biomechanics & Mechanobiology
- Ph.D. Duke University, 2012
- Assistant Research Professor in the Department of Biomedical Engineering
Courses Taught
- NEUROSCI 495: Research Independent Study 3
- NEUROSCI 494: Research Independent Study 2
- NEUROSCI 493: Research Independent Study 1
- EGR 393: Research Projects in Engineering
- BRAINSOC 796T: Bass Connections in Brain & Society Research Team
- BRAINSOC 795T: Bass Connections in Brain & Society Research Team
- BRAINSOC 496: Bass Connections Brain & Society Research Independent Study
- BRAINSOC 495: Bass Connections Brain & Society Research Independent Study
- BRAINSOC 398T: Bass Connections in Brain & Society Research Team
- BRAINSOC 398: Bass Connections in Brain and Society 4: Interdisciplinary Team Projects
- BRAINSOC 398-1: Bass Connections in Brain and Society 4: Interdisciplinary Team Projects
- BRAINSOC 397T: Bass Connections in Brain & Society Research Team
- BRAINSOC 397: Bass Connections in Brain and Society 3: Interdisciplinary Team Projects
- BRAINSOC 397-1: Bass Connections in Brain and Society 3: Interdisciplinary Team Projects
- BRAINSOC 396T: Bass Connections in Brain & Society Research Team
- BRAINSOC 396: Bass Connections in Brain and Society 2: Interdisciplinary Team Projects
- BRAINSOC 396-1: Bass Connections in Brain and Society 2: Interdisciplinary Team Projects
- BRAINSOC 395T: Bass Connections in Brain & Society Research Team
- BRAINSOC 395: Bass Connections in Brain and Society: Interdisciplinary Team Projects
- BRAINSOC 395-1: Bass Connections in Brain and Society: Interdisciplinary Team Projects
- BME 791: Graduate Independent Study
- BME 790L: Advanced Topics with the Lab for Graduate Students in Biomedical Engineering
- BME 590: Special Topics in Biomedical Engineering
- BME 531: Intermediate Biomechanics (GE, BB)
- BME 494: Projects in Biomedical Engineering (GE)
- BME 493: Projects in Biomedical Engineering (GE)
- BME 432L: Biomechanics and Vehicle Safety Engineering (DR)
- BME 302L: Fundamentals of Biomaterials and Biomechanics (AC or GE)
- Venkatraman J, Abrams MZ, Sherman D, Ortiz-Paparoni M, Bercaw JR, MacDonald RE, et al. Accuracy of Instrumented Mouthguards During Direct Jaw Impacts Seen in Boxing. Annals of biomedical engineering. 2024 Dec;52(12):3219u201327.
- Liu M, Luck JF. Quantifying and Comparing the Intersegmental Kinematics of then Pediatric Whole Cervical Spine to Individual Motion Segment Kinematics in an Six-Year-Old Postmortem Human Surrogate. SAE International Journal of Transportation Safety. 2024 Nov 12;12(2):105u201312.
- Abrams MZ, Venkatraman J, Sherman D, Ortiz-Paparoni M, Bercaw JR, MacDonald RE, et al. Biofidelity and Limitations of Instrumented Mouthguard Systems for Assessment of Rigid Body Head Kinematics. Annals of biomedical engineering. 2024 Oct;52(10):2872u201383.
- Dimbath ED, Morino C, Middleton S, Kait J, Ortiz-Paparoni M, Slotkin TA, et al. Cyclic Mechanism Affects Lumbar Spine Creep Response. Ann Biomed Eng. 2024 Aug 4;
- Dimbath ED, Morino CF, Middleton ST, Kait J, Ortiz-Paparoni M, Slotkin TA, et al. Analysing Biomechanical Response Curves and How Statistics Expose Physiology. In: Conference proceedings International Research Council on the Biomechanics of Injury, IRCOBI. 2024. p. 442u20133.
- Morino C, Middleton S, Opu2019t Eynde J, Dimbath E, Kait J, Luck J, et al. Primary Creep Characterization in Porcine Lumbar Spine Subject to Repeated Loading. Annals of Biomedical Engineering. 2024 Jan 1;
- Morino C, Middleton S, Opu2019t Eynde J, Dimbath E, Kait J, Luck J, et al. Correction to: Primary Creep Characterization in Porcine Lumbar Spine Subject to Repeated Loading (Annals of Biomedical Engineering, (2024), 10.1007/s10439-024-03557-2). Annals of Biomedical Engineering. 2024 Jan 1;
- Abrams MZ, Venkatraman J, Sherman D, Ortiz-Paparoni M, Bercaw JR, MacDonald RE, et al. Biofidelity and Limitations of Instrumented Mouthguard Systems for Assessment of Rigid Body Head Kinematics. In: Conference proceedings International Research Council on the Biomechanics of Injury, IRCOBI. 2023. p. 57u201371.
- Campbell KR, Marshall SW, Luck JF, Pinton GF, Stitzel JD, Boone JS, et al. Head Impact Telemetry System's Video-based Impact Detection and Location Accuracy. Medicine and science in sports and exercise. 2020 Oct;52(10):2198u2013206.
- Loyd AM, Nightingale RW, Luck JF, Bass CD, Cutcliffe HC, Myers BS. The response of the pediatric head to impacts onto a rigid surface. Journal of biomechanics. 2019 Aug;93:167u201376.
- Eckersley CP, Nightingale RW, Luck JF, Bass CR. The role of cervical muscles in mitigating concussion. Journal of science and medicine in sport. 2019 Jun;22(6):667u201371.
- Krebs E, Luck JF, Nightingale RW, Jayaraman S, Nickenig Vissoci JR, Rulisa S, et al. Mortality predictors in traumatic brain injury due to motorcycle crashes in Rwanda. Traffic Inj Prev. 2018;19(Suppl 2):183u20134.
- Bonin SJ, Luck JF, Bass CR, Gardiner JC, Onar-Thomas A, Asfour SS, et al. Dynamic Response and Residual Helmet Liner Crush Using Cadaver Heads and Standard Headforms. Annals of biomedical engineering. 2017 Mar;45(3):656u201367.
- Eckersley CP, Nightingale RW, Luck JF, Bass CR. Effect of neck musculature on head kinematic response following blunt impact. In: Conference proceedings International Research Council on the Biomechanics of Injury, IRCOBI. 2017. p. 685u201398.
- Wu LC, Laksari K, Kuo C, Luck JF, Kleiven S, u201cDaleu201d Bass CR, et al. Bandwidth and sample rate requirements for wearable head impact sensors. Journal of biomechanics. 2016 Sep;49(13):2918u201324.
- Kuo C, Wu LC, Hammoor BT, Luck JF, Cutcliffe HC, Lynall RC, et al. Effect of the mandible on mouthguard measurements of head kinematics. Journal of biomechanics. 2016 Jun;49(9):1845u201353.
- Loyd AM, Nightingale RW, Luck JF, Song Y, Fronheiser L, Cutcliffe H, et al. The compressive stiffness of human pediatric heads. Journal of biomechanics. 2015 Nov;48(14):3766u201375.
- Siegmund GP, Bonin SJ, Luck JF, Bass CRD. Validation of a skin-mounted sensor for measuring in-vivo head impacts. In: 2015 IRCOBI Conference Proceedings - International Research Council on the Biomechanics of Injury. 2015. p. 182u20133.
- Loyd AM, Nightingale RW, Song Y, Luck JF, Cutcliffe H, Myers BS, et al. The response of the adult and ATD heads to impacts onto a rigid surface. Accident; analysis and prevention. 2014 Nov;72:219u201329.
- Dibb AT, Cutcliffe HC, Luck JF, Cox CA, Myers BS, Bass CR, et al. Pediatric head and neck dynamics in frontal impact: analysis of important mechanical factors and proposed neck performance corridors for 6- and 10-year-old ATDs. Traffic injury prevention. 2014 Jan;15(4):386u201394.
- Dibb AT, Cox CA, Nightingale RW, Luck JF, Cutcliffe HC, Myers BS, et al. Importance of muscle activations for biofidelic pediatric neck response in computational models. Traffic injury prevention. 2013 Jan;14 Suppl:S116u201327.
- Luck JF, Nightingale RW, Song Y, Kait JR, Loyd AM, Myers BS, et al. Tensile failure properties of the perinatal, neonatal, and pediatric cadaveric cervical spine. Spine. 2013 Jan;38(1):E1-12.
- Luck JF, Nightingale RW, Dale Bass CR. Compressive mechanical properties of the perinatal, neonatal and pediatric cervical spine. In: 2013 IRCOBI Conference Proceedings - International Research Council on the Biomechanics of Injury. 2013. p. 655u201362.
- Loyd AM, Nightingale RW, Song Y, Luck JF, Cutcliffe H, Myers BS, et al. Impact properties of adult and ATD heads. In: 2012 IRCOBI Conference Proceedings - International Research Council on the Biomechanics of Injury. 2012. p. 552u201364.
- Luck J, Nightingale R. Experimental Injury Biomechanics of the Pediatric Neck. In: Crandall J, Myers B, Meaney D, Schmidtke S, editors. Pediatric Injury Biomechanics Archive & Textbook. Springer; 2012. p. 191u2013220.
- Luck JF, Bass CR, Owen SJ, Nightingale RW. An apparatus for tensile and bending tests of perinatal, neonatal, pediatric and adult cadaver osteoligamentous cervical spines. Journal of biomechanics. 2012 Jan;45(2):386u20139.
- Expansion and evaluation of data characterizing the structural behavior of the pediatric abdomen. Annals of advances in automotive medicine / Annual Scientific Conference . Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine Scientific Conference. 2010 Jan 1;54:89u201396.
- Lamp JF, Salzar R, Kerrigan J, Parent D, Lopez-Valdez F, Lau S, et al. Expansion and evaluation of data characterizing the structural behavior of the pediatric abdomen. In: Annals of advances in automotive medicine Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine Annual Scientific Conference. 2010. p. 89u201396.
- Quinn KP, Luck JF, Nightingale RW, Winkelstein BA. The onset of structural yield during tensile loading increases with age in the pediatric PMHS cervical spine. In: Proceedings of the ASME Summer Bioengineering Conference 2009, SBC2009. 2009. p. 217u20138.
- Kent R, Salzar R, Kerrigan J, Parent D, Lessley D, Sochor M, et al. Pediatric Thoracoabdominal Biomechanics. In: SAE Technical Papers. 2009.
- Kent R, Salzar R, Kerrigan J, Parent D, Lessley D, Sochor M, et al. Pediatric thoracoabdominal biomechanics. Stapp car crash journal. 2009 Nov;53:373u2013401.
- Dibb AT, Nightingale RW, Luck JF, Chancey VC, Fronheiser LE, Myers BS. Tension and combined tension-extension structural response and tolerance properties of the human male ligamentous cervical spine. Journal of biomechanical engineering. 2009 Aug;131(8):081008.
- Luck JF, Nightingale RW, Loyd AM, Prange MT, Dibb AT, Song Y, et al. Tensile Mechanical Properties of the Perinatal and Pediatric PMHS Osteoligamentous Cervical Spine. In: SAE Technical Papers. 2008.
- Luck JF, Nightingale RW, Loyd AM, Prange MT, Dibb AT, Song Y, et al. Tensile mechanical properties of the perinatal and pediatric PMHS osteoligamentous cervical spine. Stapp car crash journal. 2008 Nov;52:107u201334.
- Nightingale RW, Carol Chancey V, Ottaviano D, Luck JF, Tran L, Prange M, et al. Flexion and extension structural properties and strengths for male cervical spine segments. Journal of biomechanics. 2007 Jan;40(3):535u201342.
- Prange MT, Luck JF, Dibb A, Van Ee CA, Nightingale RW, Myers BS. Mechanical properties and anthropometry of the human infant head. Stapp car crash journal. 2004 Nov;48:279u201399.
- Nightingale RW, Chancey VC, Luck JF, Tran L, Ottaviano D, Myers BS. The human cervical spine in tension: effects of frame and fixation compliance on structural responses. Traffic injury prevention. 2004 Jun;5(2):151u20135.
- Nightingale RW, Winkelstein BA, Knaub KE, Richardson WJ, Luck JF, Myers BS. Comparative strengths and structural properties of the upper and lower cervical spine in flexion and extension. J Biomech. 2002 Jun;35(6):725u201332.
- Zhang XY, Luck J, Dewhirst MW, Yuan F. Interstitial hydraulic conductivity in a fibrosarcoma. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2000 Dec;279(6):H2726u201334.
- Yuan F, Zhang X, Dewhirst MW, Luck JA. Pressure and temperature-dependence of the hydraulic conductivity in a fibrosarcoma. In: Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology - Proceedings. 1999. p. 91.
In The News
- Student Team Tackles Youth Head Injuries (Oct 27, 2023 | Bass Connections)
- Duke Engineering: A Story in Four Parts (May 11, 2023 | Duke Today / Duke Pratt / Duke BME)
- Duke BME Outstanding Senior (Class of 2023) - Jaylen Coleman on Applying His Football Experience to His Biomedical Studies (May 4, 2023 | Duke Today / Duke BME)
- Engineering Students Make a Literal Impact to Help Protect Your Head (May 2, 2023 | Pratt School of Engineering)
- Senior Spotlight: Reflections from the Class of 2023 - Carson Herman (Biology '23) (Apr 27, 2023 | Duke University - Bass Connections)
- Bass Connections Teams Share Research Highlights at 2023 Showcase (Apr 24, 2023 | Duke University - Bass Connections)
- How Bass Connections Shaped Our Career Paths in Health and Medicine - Deepening Knowledge of the Brain - Elizabeth Ginalis (Neuroscience '16) (Apr 1, 2022 | (Duke University - Bass Connections))
- Bass Connections - Student Stories - Kishen Mitra (Biomedical Engineering '24) (Nov 30, 2021 | Duke University - Bass Connections)
- Alumni Spotlight: Featured Alumni - Elizabeth Ginalis (Neuroscience '16) (Oct 8, 2021 | Duke University - Bass Connections)
- Senior Spotlight: Reflections from the Class of 2021 (Apr 26, 2021 | Duke University - Bass Connections)
- What We're Getting Out of Our Bass Connections Teams (Dec 10, 2020 | Duke University - Bass Connections)
- Bass Connections - Student Stories - Wesley Pritzlaff (Neuroscience '21) (Dec 8, 2020 | Duke University - Bass Connections)
- Introducing Engineering Concepts in a Pandemic (Oct 30, 2020 | Pratt School of Engineering)
- Staying Close to Students Despite Distance (Oct 13, 2020 | Duke Today)