2020 Magazine: Combating the Coronavirus

Our global community has faced an unprecedented challenge in the coronavirus pandemic—but Duke BME’s faculty, staff and students are rising to that challenge.

In this Edition

Cassio Fontes demonstrates the D4 assay
10/7/20 Pratt School of Engineering

Developing Diagnostics to Catch COVID-19

Supported by a RAPID Response NSF research grant, the Chilkoti lab aims to make a faster, more efficient test to detect the novel coronavirus

Matt Brown completes ultrasound experiments with student projects
10/7/20 Pratt School of Engineering

Biomedical Engineering in the Virtual World

With the onset of a global pandemic, Duke BME faculty, staff and students quickly adapted in-person courses, programs and projects into an online format

Letter from the Chair

Dear colleagues and friends,

One of our goals in Duke Biomedical Engineering is to create solutions to the world’s most pressing biomedical problems. Over the last few months, our global community has faced an unprecedented challenge in the form of the novel coronavirus pandemic. But Duke BME’s faculty, staff and students have adapted to this new reality, devising local and global solutions to help us all push forward.

I’m thrilled to share their work in the virtual issue of the Duke BME Magazine, with stories that cover the Engineering Response Team as they develop tools to protect health care workers, highlight the efforts of faculty as they develop innovative tools and perform global studies to efficiently identify or diagnose coronavirus infections, and showcase how our instructors and students creatively adapted lab-based courses for effective virtual learning.

Our faculty, staff and students are one of the reasons Duke BME is consistently recognized as one of the best biomedical engineering programs in the country, and I hope you enjoy learning more about their work in our latest issue of the Duke BME Magazine.

Wishing you well,

Ashutosh Chilkoti

Ashutosh Chilkoti
Alan L. Kaganov Distinguished Professor of Biomedical Engineering
Chair, Duke Biomedical Engineering

Duke BME Magazine

Showcasing the extraordinary work of our faculty and student body