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Students write on boards during the hackathon held at the Design Pod at Duke University in March 2023.
When It Comes to Outreach, It’s in the Community
10/18/23 I/O Magazine

When It Comes to Outreach, It’s in the Community

Two emerging programs at Duke provide valuable lessons on how to build experiences for a diverse set of local students to help expand the STEM pipeline.

It’s Easier Being Green
10/16/23 I/O Magazine

It’s Easier Being Green

How a collaboration spanning departments and institutions brought clarity to the mystery of glassfrog transparency.

XPRIZE Singapore Team.
Inside the XPRIZE Pressure Cooker
10/13/23 I/O Magazine

Inside the XPRIZE Pressure Cooker

A Duke-led team of engineers and conservationists race to beat the clock in the semifinals of a $10M competition to sample rainforest biodiversity.