William M. Reichert
Biomedical Engineering
Professor Emeritus of Biomedical Engineering

Research Themes
Tissue Engineering & Regenerative Medicine
Research Interests
Biosensors, protein mediated cell adhesion, and wound healing.
Adjunct Professor of Biomedical Sciences, Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda (pending)
Director of the Duke-Makerere BME Partnership
Dr. Reichert's research interests have included biosensors, protein mediated cell adhesion, wound healing, and biocompatibilty. Dr. Reichert was the first member of the engineering faculty to receive the Clemson Award from the Society for Biomaterials (there have since been three others) and elected as a Fellow of the International Union of Societies for Biomaterials Science and Engineering and the American Council on Education. He was also elected as a Fellow of the American Institute of Medical and Biological Engineering and the Biomedical Engineering Society. Dr. Reichert also received recognition for his student mentoring, especially in the area of diversity. The drivers of his career were more than 30 years of uninterrupted NIH support from six different institutes, sustained support from the Medtronic Corporation, and the dedication and brilliance of numerous undergraduate, graduate, postdoc, staff and faculty colleagues. But life moves on.
Dr. Reichert spent the 2014-15 academic year as a Fulbright Scholar (also a school of engineering first) in the fledgling BME program at Makerere University in Kampala, Uganda where he taught six classes in two semesters and conducted a major curriculum revision to increase engineering content. This exhilarating (and exhausting) experience transformed Dr. Reichert’s professional priorities from domestic biomedical research to building BME capacity at Makerere University and in Uganda. With generous funding from the Duke BME Department, Duke University Provost’s Office, the Duke Global Health Institute, the Pratt School of Engineering, and the Duke Africa Initiative, Dr. Reichert launched the Duke-Makerere BME Partnership to accelerate the development of biomedical engineering in Uganda. The Partnership consists of three components.
Undergraduate Education. Currently there are two initiatives. In the fall semester BME525 Biomedical Materials and Artificial Organs is taught to both Duke and Makerere students by broadcasting lectures recorded at Duke to students in Uganda. The students take the same exams, are assigned the same readings, and conduct similar group projects. Real time interaction between the instructor and the Makerere students is accomplished by weekly Skype sessions. The Duke students are encouraged to incorporate some aspect of the Uganda circumstance in their projects. In the spring term Duke offers a class BME590 Transcontinental Design for Uganda where a limited number of Duke and Makerere students participate in mutual design activities to create solutions to healthcare issues in Uganda. This class also includes an option for the Duke students to travel to Uganda during their spring break to meet with and interact with their Makerere design partners. Travel scholarships are provided by the Partnership predicated on financial need.
Master’s Education. Receiving a Master’s degree is a significant step in the professional development of aspiring academics and entrepreneurs In Uganda. Starting in August 2016 the Partnership will be bring two Ugandans with undergraduate BME degrees or a related field to Durham to join Duke BME Master’s Program. A key component of student selection is performance in BME525 and BME590. These students will spend the first two semesters taking BME classes at Duke and also defining their dissertation topics. During the following summer the students will transition back to Makerere for their third and final semester where they complete their dissertation work and possibly take a class. Dr. Reichert will travel to Uganda to join the Makerere faculty members for the dissertation defense, while the other Duke committee members will attend via Skype. All educational and living expenses will be paid by the Partnership except for living expenses while the students are back in Uganda.
Doctoral Training. Unlike the Bachelor’s or Master’s degree, the PhD degree is an immersive research experience. Admission decisions to top science and engineering PhD programs are largely predicated upon evidence of a keen aptitude and substantial commitment to research. Making this determination with non-traditional candidates can be difficult, especially when in-person interviews are not possible. The Duke-Makerere BME Partnership provides an excellent opportunity for the Duke faculty to see the Uganda Master’s students up close and personal. The students that perform at a high level in their Duke classes and on their dissertation projects, and who are committed to pursuing the PhD, will be invited to apply to the Duke BME PhD program as a regular international student.
- B.A. Gustavus Adolphus College, 1975
- M.S. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1980
- Ph.D. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1982
- Professor Emeritus of Biomedical Engineering
- Theo Pilkington Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Biomedical Engineering
Awards, Honors, and Distinctions
- Traditional Fulbright Scholarship. Council for International Exchange of Scholars. 2014
- BMES Diversity Award. Biomedical Engineering Society. 2012
- Clemson Award for Basic Research. Society for Biomaterials. 2010
- Catalyst for Institutional Change Award. Quality Education for Minorities Network. 2008
- Pioneer Award. Samuel DuBois Cook Society, Duke University. 2008
- Dean's Award for Excellence in Mentoring. Duke University, Graduate School. 2008
- Fellows. American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering. 2004
- Ssekitoleko RT, Oshabaheebwa S, Munabi IG, Tusabe MS, Namayega C, Ngabirano BA, et al. The role of medical equipment in the spread of nosocomial infections: a cross-sectional study in four tertiary public health facilities in Uganda. BMC public health. 2020 Oct;20(1):1561.
- Diaz Quiroz JF, Rodriguez PD, Erndt-Marino JD, Guiza V, Balouch B, Graf T, et al. Collagen-Mimetic Proteins with Tunable Integrin Binding Sites for Vascular Graft Coatings. ACS biomaterials science & engineering. 2018 Aug;4(8):2934u201342.
- Ploss B, Douglas TS, Glucksberg M, Kaufmann EE, Malkin RA, McGrath J, et al. Part II: U.S.-Sub-Saharan Africa Educational Partnerships for Medical Device Design. Annals of biomedical engineering. 2017 Nov;45(11):2489u201393.
- Ploss B, Reichert W. Part I. The Emergence of Degree-Granting Biomedical Engineering Programs in Sub-Saharan Africa. Annals of biomedical engineering. 2017 Oct;45(10):2265u20138.
- Munoz-Pinto DJ, Erndt-Marino JD, Becerra-Bayona SM, Guiza-Arguello VR, Samavedi S, Malmut S, et al. Evaluation of late outgrowth endothelial progenitor cell and umbilical vein endothelial cell responses to thromboresistant collagen-mimetic hydrogels. Journal of biomedical materials research Part A. 2017 Jun;105(6):1712u201324.
- Fernandez CE, Yen RW, Perez SM, Bedell HW, Povsic TJ, Reichert WM, et al. Human Vascular Microphysiological System for in vitro Drug Screening. Sci Rep. 2016 Feb 18;6:21579.
- Vallejo-Heligon SG, Brown NL, Reichert WM, Klitzman B. Porous, Dexamethasone-loaded polyurethane coatings extend performance window of implantable glucose sensors in vivo. Acta Biomater. 2016 Jan;30:106u201315.
- Bakwatanisa B, Enywaku A, Kiwanuka M, Lamunu C, Mbowa N, Mukiibi D, et al. Biomaterials use in Mulago National Referral Hospital in Kampala, Uganda: Access and affordability. Journal of biomedical materials research Part A. 2016 Jan;104(1):104u201312.
- Novak MT, Reichert WM. Modeling the Physiological Factors Affecting Glucose Sensor Function in Vivo. Journal of diabetes science and technology. 2015 Jun;9(5):993u20138.
- Brochu ABW, Matthys OB, Craig SL, Reichert WM. Extended fatigue life of a catalyst free self-healing acrylic bone cement using microencapsulated 2-octyl cyanoacrylate. Journal of biomedical materials research Part B, Applied biomaterials. 2015 Feb;103(2):305u201312.
- Novak MT, Yuan F, Reichert WM. Macrophage embedded fibrin gels: an in vitro platform for assessing inflammation effects on implantable glucose sensors. Biomaterials. 2014 Dec;35(36):9563u201372.
- Vernekar VN, Wallace CS, Wu M, Chao JT, Ou2019Connor SK, Raleigh A, et al. Bi-ligand surfaces with oriented and patterned protein for real-time tracking of cell migration. Colloids and surfaces B, Biointerfaces. 2014 Nov;123:225u201335.
- Vallejo-Heligon SG, Klitzman B, Reichert WM. Characterization of porous, dexamethasone-releasing polyurethane coatings for glucose sensors. Acta Biomater. 2014 Nov;10(11):4629u201338.
- Fernandez CE, Achneck HE, Reichert WM, Truskey GA. Biological and engineering design considerations for vascular tissue engineered blood vessels (TEBVs). Current opinion in chemical engineering. 2014 Feb;3:83u201390.
- Fernandez CE, Obi-onuoha IC, Wallace CS, Satterwhite LL, Truskey GA, Reichert WM. Late-outgrowth endothelial progenitors from patients with coronary artery disease: endothelialization of confluent stromal cell layers. Acta biomaterialia. 2014 Feb;10(2):893u2013900.
- Brochu ABW, Evans GA, Reichert WM. Mechanical and cytotoxicity testing of acrylic bone cement embedded with microencapsulated 2-octyl cyanoacrylate. Journal of biomedical materials research Part B, Applied biomaterials. 2014 Jan;102(1):181u20139.
- Novak MT, Yuan F, Reichert WM. Predicting glucose sensor behavior in blood using transport modeling: relative impacts of protein biofouling and cellular metabolic effects. Journal of diabetes science and technology. 2013 Nov;7(6):1547u201360.
- Nichols MD, Choudhary R, Kodali S, Reichert WM. Coagulation-induced resistance to fluid flow in small-diameter vascular grafts and graft mimics measured by purging pressure. Journal of biomedical materials research Part B, Applied biomaterials. 2013 Nov;101(8):1367u201376.
- Reichert WM. Diversity and the Duke BME PhD program: then, now and moving forward. Annals of biomedical engineering. 2013 Oct;41(10):2019u201326.
- Nichols MD, Choudhary R, Kodali S, Reichert WM. Coagulation-induced resistance to fluid flow in small-diameter vascular grafts and graft mimics measured by purging pressure. Journal of biomedical materials research Part B, Applied biomaterials. 2013 May;
- Truskey GA, Achneck HE, Bursac N, Chan H, Cheng CS, Fernandez C, et al. Design considerations for an integrated microphysiological muscle tissue for drug and tissue toxicity testing. Stem Cell Res Ther. 2013;4 Suppl 1(Suppl 1):S10.
- Koschwanez HE, Reichert WM. Textured and Porous Materials. In: Biomaterials Science: An Introduction to Materials: Third Edition. 2013. p. 321u201331.
- Gandham VD, Brochu ABW, Reichert WM. Microencapsulation of liquid cyanoacrylate via in situ polymerization for self-healing bone cement application. Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings. 2012 Dec 1;1417:103u201313.
- Harris JM, Lopez GP, Reichert WM. Silica-dispersed glucose oxidase for glucose sensing: in vitro testing in serum and blood and the effect of condensation pH. Sensors and actuators B, Chemical. 2012 Nov;174:373u20139.
- Brochu ABW, Chyan WJ, Reichert WM. Microencapsulation of 2-octylcyanoacrylate tissue adhesive for self-healing acrylic bone cement. Journal of biomedical materials research Part B, Applied biomaterials. 2012 Oct;100(7):1764u201372.
- Reichert WM, Harris TR, Lemons J, Mikos AG, Puleo DA, Schoen FJ, et al. 2011 panel on developing a biomaterials curriculum. Journal of biomedical materials research Part A. 2012 Mar;100(3):802u201316.
- Stroncek JD, Ren LC, Klitzman B, Reichert WM. Patient-derived endothelial progenitor cells improve vascular graft patency in a rodent model. Acta Biomater. 2012 Jan;8(1):201u20138.
- Stroncek JD, Xue Y, Haque N, Lawson JH, Reichert WM. In vitro functional testing of endothelial progenitor cells that overexpress thrombomodulin. Tissue Eng Part A. 2011 Aug;17(15u201316):2091u2013100.
- Brochu ABW, Craig SL, Reichert WM. Self-healing biomaterials. Journal of biomedical materials research Part A. 2011 Feb;96(2):492u2013506.
- Reichert WM, Ratner BD, Anderson J, Coury A, Hoffman AS, Laurencin CT, et al. 2010 Panel on the biomaterials grand challenges. Journal of biomedical materials research Part A. 2011 Feb;96(2):275u201387.
- Novak MT, Yuan F, Reichert WM. Modeling the relative impact of capsular tissue effects on implanted glucose sensor time lag and signal attenuation. Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry. 2010 Oct;398(4):1695u2013705.
- Prichard HL, Schroeder T, Reichert WM, Klitzman B. Bioluminescence imaging of glucose in tissue surrounding polyurethane and glucose sensor implants. J Diabetes Sci Technol. 2010 Sep 1;4(5):1055u201362.
- Polikov VS, Hong J-S, Reichert WM. Soluble factor effects on glial cell reactivity at the surface of gel-coated microwires. Journal of neuroscience methods. 2010 Jul;190(2):180u20137.
- Koschwanez HE, Reichert WM, Klitzman B. Intravital microscopy evaluation of angiogenesis and its effects on glucose sensor performance. J Biomed Mater Res A. 2010 Jun 15;93(4):1348u201357.
- Huang X, Zauscher S, Klitzman B, Truskey GA, Reichert WM, Kenan DJ, et al. Peptide interfacial biomaterials improve endothelial cell adhesion and spreading on synthetic polyglycolic acid materials. Ann Biomed Eng. 2010 Jun;38(6):1965u201376.
- Stroncek JD, Grant BS, Brown MA, Povsic TJ, Truskey GA, Reichert WM. Comparison of endothelial cell phenotypic markers of late-outgrowth endothelial progenitor cells isolated from patients with coronary artery disease and healthy volunteers. Tissue Eng Part A. 2009 Nov;15(11):3473u201386.
- Stroncek JD, Bell N, Reichert WM. Instructional PowerPoint presentations for cutaneous wound healing and tissue response to sutures. Journal of biomedical materials research Part A. 2009 Sep;90(4):1230u20138.
- Smith JT, Kim DH, Reichert WM. Haptotactic gradients for directed cell migration: stimulation and inhibition using soluble factors. Combinatorial chemistry & high throughput screening. 2009 Jul;12(6):598u2013603.
- Polikov VS, Su EC, Ball MA, Hong J-S, Reichert WM. Control protocol for robust in vitro glial scar formation around microwires: essential roles of bFGF and serum in gliosis. Journal of neuroscience methods. 2009 Jul;181(2):170u20137.
- Anamelechi CC, Clermont EC, Novak MT, Reichert WM. Dynamic seeding of perfusing human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) onto dual-function cell adhesion ligands: Arg-Gly-Asp (RGD)-streptavidin and biotinylated fibronectin. Langmuiru202f: the ACS journal of surfaces and colloids. 2009 May;25(10):5725u201330.
- Hucknall A, Kim D-H, Rangarajan S, Hill RT, Reichert WM, Chilkoti A. Simple Fabrication of Antibody Microarrays on Nonfouling Polymer Brushes with Femtomolar Sensitivity for Protein Analytes in Serum and Blood. Advanced materials (Deerfield Beach, Fla). 2009 May;21(19):1968u201371.
- Novak MT, Bryers JD, Reichert WM. Biomimetic strategies based on viruses and bacteria for the development of immune evasive biomaterials. Biomaterials. 2009 Apr;30(11):1989u20132005.
- Schutte RJ, Parisi-Amon A, Reichert WM. Cytokine profiling using monocytes/macrophages cultured on common biomaterials with a range of surface chemistries. Journal of biomedical materials research Part A. 2009 Jan;88(1):128u201339.
- Schutte RJ, Xie L, Klitzman B, Reichert WM. In vivo cytokine-associated responses to biomaterials. Biomaterials. 2009 Jan;30(2):160u20138.
- Reichert WM. Wound healing PowerPoint presentations for introductory biomaterials education. Journal of biomedical materials research Part A. 2008 Dec;87(4):1112.
- Schutte R, Parisi-Amon A, Reichert WM. Cytokine response from monocytes/macrophages seeded onto common biomaterials. 8th World Biomaterials Congress 2008. 2008 Dec 1;3:1356.
- Prichard HL, Reichert WM, Klitzman B. Adipose stem cell attachment to glucose sensors. In: 8th World Biomaterials Congress 2008. 2008. p. 2099.
- Koschwanez HE, Yap FY, Klitzman B, Reichert WM. In vitro and in vivo characterization of porous poly-L-lactic acid coatings for subcutaneously implanted glucose sensors. J Biomed Mater Res A. 2008 Dec 1;87(3):792u2013807.
- Koschwanez HE, Klitzman B, Reichert WM. Percutaneous window chamber method for chronic intravital microscopy of sensor-tissue interactions. J Diabetes Sci Technol. 2008 Nov;2(6):977u201383.
- Prichard HL, Reichert W, Klitzman B. IFATS collection: Adipose-derived stromal cells improve the foreign body response. Stem Cells. 2008 Oct;26(10):2691u20135.
- Black RD, Reichert WM, Turner APF. Editorial introduction for the special issue of the sensors journal: In vivo sensors for medicine. IEEE Sensors Journal. 2008 Jan 1;8(1):3u20135.
- Anamelechi CC, Clermont EE, Brown MA, Truskey GA, Reichert WM. Streptavidin binding and endothelial cell adhesion to biotinylated fibronectin. Langmuiru202f: the ACS journal of surfaces and colloids. 2007 Dec;23(25):12583u20138.
- Kim D-H, Novak MT, Wilkins J, Kim M, Sawyer A, Reichert WM. Response of monocytes exposed to phagocytosable particles and discs of comparable surface roughness. Biomaterials. 2007 Oct;28(29):4231u20139.
- Koschwanez HE, Reichert WM. In vitro, in vivo and post explantation testing of glucose-detecting biosensors: current methods and recommendations. Biomaterials. 2007 Sep;28(25):3687u2013703.
- Brown MA, Wallace CS, Anamelechi CC, Clermont E, Reichert WM, Truskey GA. The use of mild trypsinization conditions in the detachment of endothelial cells to promote subsequent endothelialization on synthetic surfaces. Biomaterials. 2007 Sep;28(27):3928u201335.
- Mathur AB, Reichert WM, Truskey GA. Flow and high affinity binding affect the elastic modulus of the nucleus, cell body and the stress fibers of endothelial cells. Annals of biomedical engineering. 2007 Jul;35(7):1120u201330.
- Norton LW, Koschwanez HE, Wisniewski NA, Klitzman B, Reichert WM. Vascular endothelial growth factor and dexamethasone release from nonfouling sensor coatings affect the foreign body response. J Biomed Mater Res A. 2007 Jun 15;81(4):858u201369.
- Prichard HL, Reichert WM, Klitzman B. Adult adipose-derived stem cell attachment to biomaterials. Biomaterials. 2007 Feb;28(6):936u201346.
- Reichert WM. Indwelling neural implants: Strategies for contending with the In Vivo environment. 2007.
- Reichert WM. Preface. 2007.
- Norton LW, Yuan F, Reichert WM. Glucose recovery with bare and hydrogel-coated microdialysis probes: experiment and simulation of temporal effects. Analytical chemistry. 2007 Jan;79(2):445u201352.
- Stroncek JD, Reichert WM. Overview of wound healing in different tissue types. In: Indwelling Neural Implants: Strategies for Contending with the in Vivo Environment. 2007. p. 3u201338.
- Kim DH, Smith JT, Chilkoti A, Reichert WM. The effect of covalently immobilized rhIL-1ra-ELP fusion protein on the inflammatory profile of LPS-stimulated human monocytes. Biomaterials. 2007;28(23):3369u201377.
- Smith JT, Elkin JT, Reichert WM. Directed cell migration on fibronectin gradients: effect of gradient slope. Experimental cell research. 2006 Aug;312(13):2424u201332.
- Polikov VS, Block ML, Fellous JM, Hong JS, Reichert WM. In vitro model of glial scarring around neuroelectrodes chronically implanted in the CNS. Biomaterials. 2006;27(31):5368u201376.
- Anamelechi CC, Truskey GA, Reichert WM. Mylar and Teflon-AF as cell culture substrates for studying endothelial cell adhesion. Biomaterials. 2005 Dec;26(34):6887u201396.
- Polikov VS, Tresco PA, Reichert WM. Response of brain tissue to chronically implanted neural electrodes. Journal of neuroscience methods. 2005 Oct;148(1):1u201318.
- Norton LW, Tegnell E, Toporek SS, Reichert WM. In vitro characterization of vascular endothelial growth factor and dexamethasone releasing hydrogels for implantable probe coatings. Biomaterials. 2005 Jun;26(16):3285u201397.
- Li Y, Schutte RJ, Abu-Shakra A, Reichert WM. Protein array method for assessing in vitro biomaterial-induced cytokine expression. Biomaterials. 2005 Apr;26(10):1081u20135.
- Chan BP, Liu W, Klitzman B, Reichert WM, Truskey GA. In vivo performance of dual ligand augmented endothelialized expanded polytetrafluoroethylene vascular grafts. J Biomed Mater Res B Appl Biomater. 2005 Jan 15;72(1):52u201363.
- Li Y, Schutte RJ, Abu-Shakra A, Oshodi S, Reichert WM. Cytokine detection protein arrays for in vitro evaluation of biomaterials. Transactions - 7th World Biomaterials Congress. 2004 Dec 1;485.
- Smith JT, Ma H, Reichert WM. Migration assay to measure cellular response to signalling gradients. Transactions - 7th World Biomaterials Congress. 2004 Dec 1;75.
- Norton LW, Tegnell E, Reichert WM. Dual release of VEGF and dexamethasone from microspheres incorporated in anti-fouling hydrogels. Transactions - 7th World Biomaterials Congress. 2004 Dec 1;357.
- Chan BP, Reichert WM, Truskey GA. Synergistic effect of shear stress and streptavidin-biotin on the expression of endothelial vasodilator and cytoskeleton genes. Biotechnology and bioengineering. 2004 Dec;88(6):750u20138.
- Schutte RJ, Oshodi SA, Reichert WM. In vitro characterization of microdialysis sampling of macromolecules. Analytical chemistry. 2004 Oct;76(20):6058u201363.
- Smith JT, Tomfohr JK, Wells MC, Beebe TP, Kepler TB, Reichert WM. Measurement of cell migration on surface-bound fibronectin gradients. Langmuir. 2004 Sep 14;20(19):8279u201386.
- Chan BP, Reichert WM, Truskey GA. Effect of streptavidin-biotin on endothelial vasoregulation and leukocyte adhesion. Biomaterials. 2004 Aug;25(18):3951u201361.
- Chan BP, Reichert WM, Truskey GA. Effect of streptavidin RGD mutant on the adhesion of endothelial cells. Biotechnology progress. 2004 Mar;20(2):566u201375.
- Li Y, Nath N, Reichert WM. Parallel comparison of sandwich and direct label assay protocols on cytokine detection protein arrays. Analytical Chemistry. 2003 Oct 1;75(19):5274u201381.
- Mathur AB, Chan BP, Truskey GA, Reichert WM. High-affinity augmentation of endothelial cell attachment: long-term effects on focal contact and actin filament formation. Journal of biomedical materials research Part A. 2003 Sep;66(4):729u201337.
- Smith JT, Reichert WM. Prediction of feature spread for microarray printing using protein and DNA solutions. Langmuir. 2003 Apr 1;19(7):3078u201380.
- Li Y, Reichert WM. Adapting cDNA microarray format to cytokine detection protein arrays. Langmuir. 2003 Mar 4;19(5):1557u201366.
- Chan BP, Chilkoti A, Reichert WM, Truskey GA. Effect of streptavidin affinity mutants on the integrin-independent adhesion of biotinylated endothelial cells. Biomaterials. 2003 Feb;24(4):559u201370.
- Mathur AB, Truskey GA, Reichert WM. Synergistic effect of high-affinity binding and flow preconditioning on endothelial cell adhesion. Journal of biomedical materials research Part A. 2003 Jan;64(1):155u201363.
- Norton L, Wisniewski N, Klima K, Reichert WM. Incorporating dexamethasone release in hydrogel coated microdialysis probes. Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology - Proceedings. 2002 Dec 1;1:508u20139.
- Chan BP, Reichert WM, Truskey GA. The effects of streptavidin-biotin exogenous ligands on the endothelium-derived nitric oxide synthase activity. Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology - Proceedings. 2002 Dec 1;1:716u20137.
- Smith JT, Reichert WM. The optimization of quill-pin printed protein and DNA microarrays. Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology - Proceedings. 2002 Dec 1;2:1630u20131.
- Fu L, Wong-Leung J, Deenapanray PNK, Tan HH, Jagadish C, Gong B, et al. Suppression of interdiffusion in GaAs/AlGaAs quantum-well structure capped with dielectric films by deposition of gallium oxide. Journal of Applied Physics. 2002 Oct 1;92(7):3579u201383.
- Stenken JA, Reichert WM, Klitzman B. Magnetic resonance imaging of a tissue/implanted device biointerface using in vivo microdialysis sampling. Anal Chem. 2002 Sep 15;74(18):4849u201354.
- Smith JT, Viglianti BL, Reichert WM. Spreading diagrams for the optimization of quill pin printed microarray density. Langmuir. 2002 Aug 6;18(16):6289u201393.
- Wisniewski N, Rajamand N, Adamsson U, Lins PE, Reichert WM, Klitzman B, et al. Analyte flux through chronically implanted subcutaneous polyamide membranes differs in humans and rats. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2002 Jun;282(6):E1316u201323.
- Reichert WM, Daniels-Race T, Dowell EH. Time-tested survival skills for a publish or perish environment. Journal of Engineering Education. 2002 Jan 1;91(1):133u20137.
- Wisniewski N, Klitzman B, Miller B, Reichert WM. Decreased analyte transport through implanted membranes: differentiation of biofouling from tissue effects. J Biomed Mater Res. 2001 Dec 15;57(4):513u201321.
- Mathur AB, Collinsworth AM, Reichert WM, Kraus WE, Truskey GA. Endothelial, cardiac muscle and skeletal muscle exhibit different viscous and elastic properties as determined by atomic force microscopy. J Biomech. 2001 Dec;34(12):1545u201353.
- Shin BC, Wisniewski N, Reichert WM. Water-soluble treatments to enhance glucose permeability of protein-resistant polymer overlayers. Journal of biomaterials science Polymer edition. 2001 Jan;12(5):467u201377.
- Chan B, Reichert W. Reducing endothelial cell detachment via cohesive failure by stiffening cell membrane with cholesterol. Annals of Biomedical Engineering. 2000 Dec 1;28(SUPPL. 1).
- Mathur A, Reichert W, Truskey G. Atomic force and total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy for the study of force transmission in endothelial cells. Annals of Biomedical Engineering. 2000 Dec 1;28(SUPPL. 1).
- Viglianti BL, Reichert WM. Protein adsorption and cell adhesion on self-assembled monolayers and gradient surfaces. Annals of Biomedical Engineering. 2000 Dec 1;28(SUPPL. 1).
- Wisniewski N, Rajamand N, Reichert W, Klitzman B, Ungerstedt U. Metabolites at a biomaterial-tissue interface sampled by microdialysis - a comparison of the subcutaneous foreign body response in humans and rats over 8 days. Vol. 28, Annals of Biomedical Engineering. 2000.
- Mathur AB, Truskey GA, Reichert WM. Atomic force and total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy for the study of force transmission in endothelial cells. Biophysical journal. 2000 Apr;78(4):1725u201335.
- Wisniewski N, Moussy F, Reichert WM. Characterization of implantable biosensor membrane biofouling. Freseniusu2019 journal of analytical chemistry. 2000 Mar;366(6u20137):611u201321.
- Reichert W, Cohen RM. Effects of substrate orientation and surface reconstruction on patterned substrate OMVPE of GaAs. Journal of Electronic Materials. 2000 Jan 1;29(1):118u201328.
- Wisniewski N, Reichert M. Methods for reducing biosensor membrane biofouling. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces. 2000 Jan 1;18(3u20134):197u2013219.
- Reichert W, Cohen RM. Lateral OMVPE growth of GaAs on patterned substrates. Journal of Crystal Growth. 2000 Jan 1;220(4):364u201378.
- Mathur AB, Truskey GA, Reichert WM. Total internal reflection microscopy and atomic force microscopy (TIRFM-AFM) to study stress transduction mechanisms in endothelial cells. Critical reviews in biomedical engineering. 2000 Jan;28(1u20132):197u2013202.
- Moussy F, Reichert WM. Biomaterials community examines biosensor biocompatibility. Diabetes technology & therapeutics. 2000 Jan;2(3):473u20137.
- Wisniewski N, Miller B, Klitzman B, Reichert M. Characterization of analyte transport over time through implantable biosensor membranes using microdialysis. Vol. 2, Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology - Proceedings. 1999. p. 721.
- Burmeister JS, McKinney VZ, Reichert WM, Truskey GA. Role of endothelial cell-substrate contact area and fibronectin-receptor affinity in cell adhesion to HEMA/EMA copolymers. Journal of biomedical materials research. 1999 Dec;47(4):577u201384.
- Mathur AB, Truskey GA, Reichert WM. Integration of total internal reflection and atomic force microscopy (TIRFM-AFM) to study stress transduction mechanisms in endothelial cells. Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology - Proceedings. 1999 Dec 1;1:3.
- Chan BP, Bhat VD, Yegnasubramanian S, Reichert WM, Truskey GA. An equilibrium model of endothelial cell adhesion via integrin-dependent and integrin-independent ligands. Biomaterials. 1999 Dec;20(23u201324):2395u2013403.
- Plowman TE, Durstchi JD, Wang HK, Christensen DA, Herron JN, Reichert WM. Multiple-analyte fluoroimmunoassay using an integrated optical waveguide sensor. Analytical chemistry. 1999 Oct;71(19):4344u201352.
- Olivier LA, Yen J, Reichert WM, Truskey GA. Short-term cell/substrate contact dynamics of subconfluent endothelial cells following exposure to laminar flow. Biotechnology progress. 1999 Jan;15(1):33u201342.
- Plowman TE, Blawas AS, Oliver TF, Reichert WM. Waveguide multi-channel immunoassay using photo-deprotection immobilization. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 1999 Jan 1;3603:163u20139.
- Mathur AB, Truskey GA, Reichert WM. Integration of total internal reflection microscopy and atomic force microscopy (TIRFM-AFM) to study mechanotransduction in endothelial cells. Critical Reviews in Biomedical Engineering. 1998 Dec 1;26(5):334u20137.
- Bhat VD, Truskey GA, Reichert WM. Fibronectin and avidin-biotin as a heterogeneous ligand system for enhanced endothelial cell adhesion. Journal of biomedical materials research. 1998 Sep;41(3):377u201385.
- Blawas AS, Oliver TF, Pirrung MC, Reichert WM. Step-and-repeat photopatterning of protein features using caged-biotin-BSA: Characterization and resolution. Langmuir. 1998 Jul 21;14(15):4243u201350.
- Sharkawy AA, Klitzman B, Truskey GA, Reichert WM. Engineering the tissue which encapsulates subcutaneous implants. II. Plasma-tissue exchange properties. J Biomed Mater Res. 1998 Jun 15;40(4):586u201397.
- Sharkawy AA, Klitzman B, Truskey GA, Reichert WM. Engineering the tissue which encapsulates subcutaneous implants. III. Effective tissue response times. J Biomed Mater Res. 1998 Jun 15;40(4):598u2013605.
- Bhat VD, Truskey GA, Reichert WM. Using avidin-mediated binding to enhance initial endothelial cell attachment and spreading. Journal of biomedical materials research. 1998 Apr;40(1):57u201365.
- Blawas AS, Reichert WM. Protein patterning. Biomaterials. 1998 Apr;19(7u20139):595u2013609.
- Plowman TE, Saavedra SS, Reichert WM. Planar integrated optical methods for examining thin films and their surface adlayers. Biomaterials. 1998 Mar;19(4u20135):341u201355.
- Burmeister JS, Olivier LA, Reichert WM, Truskey GA. Application of total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy to study cell adhesion to biomaterials. Biomaterials. 1998 Mar;19(4u20135):307u201325.
- Piervincenzi RT, Reichert WM, Hellinga HW. Genetic engineering of a single-chain antibody fragment for surface immobilization in an optical biosensor. Biosens Bioelectron. 1998 Mar 1;13(3u20134):305u201312.
- Bhat VD, Klitzman B, Koger K, Truskey GA, Reichert WM. Improving endothelial cell adhesion to vascular graft surfaces: clinical need and strategies. J Biomater Sci Polym Ed. 1998;9(11):1117u201335.
- Wisniewski N, Klitzman B, Reichert WM. Membrane biofouling measured by microdialysis. Proceedings of the Controlled Release Society. 1998. p. 73u20134.
- Reichert M, Absher M. Graduate engineering education of underrepresented populations. Journal of Engineering Education. 1998 Jan 1;87(3):257u201367.
- Sharkawy AA, Klitzman B, Truskey GA, Reichert WM. Engineering the tissue which encapsulates subcutaneous implants. I. Diffusion properties. J Biomed Mater Res. 1997 Dec 5;37(3):401u201312.
- Reichert M, Absher M. Taking another look at educating African American engineers: The importance of undergraduate retention. Journal of Engineering Education. 1997 Jan 1;86(3):241u201353.
- Sharkawy A, Klitzman B, Truskey G, Reichert W. Diffusion properties of tissue which encapsulates subcutaneous implants. Vol. 76, Polymeric Materials Science and Engineering, Proceedings of the ACS Division of Polymeric Materials Science and Engineering. 1997. p. 568u20139.
- Plowman TE, Peters CR, Monty Reichert W. Grating couplers for dual-channel thin-film waveguide sensors produced by transmission photolithography. Journal of Biomedical Optics. 1997 Jan 1;2(4):350u20137.
- Sharkawy AA, Klitzman B, Truskey GA, Reichert WM. Diffusion properties of capsular tissue. Vol. 2, Transactions of the Annual Meeting of the Society for Biomaterials in conjunction with the International Biomaterials Symposium. 1996. p. 132.
- Burmeister JS, Vrany JD, Reichert WM, Truskey GA. Effect of fibronectin amount and conformation on the strength of endothelial cell adhesion to HEMA/EMA copolymers. Journal of biomedical materials research. 1996 Jan;30(1):13u201322.
- Blawas AS, Huang CY, Pirrung MC, Reichert WM. Patterning antibodies for a multiple analyte sensor via photodeprotection chemistry. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 1996 Jan 1;2680:68u201377.
- Plowman TE, Reichert WM, Peters CR, Wang HK, Christensen DA, Herron JN. Femtomolar sensitivity using a channel-etched thin film waveguide fluoroimmunosensor. Biosensors & bioelectronics. 1996 Jan;11(1u20132):149u201360.
- Reichert W, Chen CY, Li WM, Shield JE, Cohen RM, Simons DS, et al. Incorporation of Zn in GaAs during organometallic vapor phase epitaxy growth compared to equilibrium. Journal of Applied Physics. 1995 Dec 1;77(5):1902u20136.
- Olivier LA, Reichert WM, Truskey GA. Dynamic response of endothelial cells to flow as measured by total internal reflectance fluorescence microscopy. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Bioengineering Division (Publication) BED. 1995 Jan 1;29:565u20136.
- Plowman TE, Garrison MD, Walker DS, Reichert WM. Surface sensitivity of SiON integrated optical waveguides (IOWs) examined by IOW-attenuated total reflection spectrometry and IOW-Raman spectroscopy. Thin Solid Films. 1994 May 1;243(1u20132):610u20135.
- Zhao S, Reichert WM. Analysis of protein binding to receptor-doped lipid monolayers by Monte Carlo simulation. Biophysical journal. 1994 Feb;66(2 Pt 1):305u20139.
- Burmeister JS, Truskey GA, Yarbrough JL, Reichert WM. Imaging of cell/substrate contacts on polymers by total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy. Biotechnology progress. 1994 Jan;10(1):26u201331.
- Burmeister JS, Truskey GA, Reichert WM. Quantitative analysis of variable-angle total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy (VA-TIRFM) of cell/substrate contacts. Journal of microscopy. 1994 Jan;173(Pt 1):39u201351.
- Chen CY, Reichert W, Cohen RM. Diffusion-limited etching of p-GaAs in NaOHNa
2 EDTA solutions. Materials Letters. 1994 Jan 1;19(3u20134):109u201313. - Savage AL, Reichert WM. Fiber optic fluorescence immunoassay: use of a biotin-avidin bridge as a generic antibody immobilization technique. Proceedings of the Annual Conference on Engineering in Medicine and Biology. 1993 Dec 1;15(pt 3):1547u20138.
- Richardson RR, Miller JA, Reichert WM. Polyimides as biomaterials: preliminary biocompatibility testing. Biomaterials. 1993 Jul;14(8):627u201335.
- Walker DS, Garrison MD, Reichert WM. Protein adsorption to HEMA/EMA copolymers studied by integrated optical techniques. Journal of Colloid And Interface Science. 1993 Jan 1;157(1):41u20139.
- Walker DS, Balasubramanian K, Reichert WM. Low loss HEMA/EMA copolymer waveguides with a range of wetting and optical properties. Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 1993 Jan 1;49(12):2147u201355.
- Walker DS, Hellinga HW, Saavedra SS, Reichert WM. Integrated optical waveguide attenuated total reflection spectrometry and resonance Raman spectroscopy of adsorbed cytochrome c. Journal of Physical Chemistry. 1993 Jan 1;97(39):10217u201322.
- Zhao S, Walker DS, Reichert WM. Cooperativity in the Binding of Avidin to Biotin-Lipid-Doped Langmuir-Blodgett Films. Langmuir. 1993 Jan 1;9(11):3166u201373.
- Zhao S, Reichert WM. Influence of Biotin Lipid Surface Density and Accessibility on Avidin Binding to the Tip of an Optical Fiber Sensor. Langmuir. 1992 Nov 1;8(11):2785u201391.
- Truskey GA, Burmeister JS, Grapa E, Reichert WM. Total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy (TIRFM). II. Topographical mapping of relative cell/substratum separation distances. Journal of cell science. 1992 Oct;103 ( Pt 2):491u20139.
- Walker DS, Reichert WM, Berry CJ. Corning 7059, Silicon Oxynitride, and Silicon Dioxide Thin-Film Integrated Optical Waveguides: In Search of Low Loss, Nonfluorescent, Reusable Glass Waveguides. Applied Spectroscopy. 1992 Sep 1;46(9):1437u201341.
- Garrison MD, Iuliano DJ, Saavedra SS, Truskey GA, Reichert WM. Postadsorption changes in the emission maximum of acrylodan-labeled bovine serum albumin using total internal reflection fluorescence. Journal of Colloid And Interface Science. 1992 Jan 1;148(2):415u201324.
- Burmeister J, Truskey GA, Reichert WM. Variable angle total internal reflection fluorescence (TIRF) microscopy of fluorescently labelled lipid films and cells at the glass-liquid interface. Annals of Biomedical Engineering. 1991 Dec 1;19(5):614.
- Saavedra SS, Reichert WM. In Situ Quantitation of Protein Adsorption Density by Integrated Optical Waveguide Attenuated Total Reflection Spectrometry. Langmuir. 1991 May 22;7(5):995u20139.
- Zhao S, Reichert WM. Modeling of fluorescence emission from cyanine-dye-impregnated Langmuir-Blodgett films deposited on the surface of an optical fiber. Thin Solid Films. 1991 May 15;200(2):363u201373.
- Zhao S, Reichert WM. Modelling of fluorescence from surface-bound proteins and L-B films at optical fiber surfaces. American Chemical Society, Polymer Preprints, Division of Polymer Chemistry. 1991 Apr 1;32(1):226u20137.
- Potter BL, Walker DS, Greer L, Saavedra SS, Reichert WM. Multiple mode and multiple source coupling into polymer thin film waveguides. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 1991 Jan 1;1368:251u20137.
- Saavedra SS, Reichert WM. Integrated optical attenuated total reflection spectrometry of aqueous superstrates using prism-coupled polymer waveguides. Analytical chemistry. 1990 Oct;62(20):2251u20136.
- Walker DS, Putegnat S, Saavedra SS, Reichert WM. Apparent inequivalence between the in- and outcoupling angles of prism coupled IO waveguides. Optics Communications. 1990 Aug 15;78(2):128u201332.
- Reichert M. Separation of clean and dirty: design considerations. Journal of healthcare materiel management. 1990 Jul;8(5):77u201380.
- Reichert WM, Truskey GA. Total internal reflection fluorescence (TIRF) microscopy. I. Modelling cell contact region fluorescence. Journal of cell science. 1990 Jun;96 ( Pt 2):219u201330.
- Saavedra SS, Reichert WM. Prism coupling into polymer integrated optical waveguides with liquid superstrates. Applied Spectroscopy. 1990 Jan 1;44(7):1210u20137.
- Zhao S, Reichert WM. Protein adsorption using an evanescent chemical sensor with a fused optical fiber coupler. Journal of Colloid And Interface Science. 1990 Jan 1;140(1):294u20137.
- Saavedra SS, Reichert WM. Flow cell for mode-specific, integrated optical waveguide spectroscopy in aqueous superstrates. Applied Spectroscopy. 1990 Jan 1;44(8):1420u20133.
- Reichert WM. Evanescent detection of adsorbed films: Assessment of optical considerations for absorbance and fluorescence spectroscopy at the crystal/solution and polymer/solution interfaces. Critical Reviews in Biocompatibility. 1989 Jan 1;5(2):173u2013205.
- Suci PA, Reichert WM. Determination of Fluorescence Density Profiles of Langmuir-Blodgett-Deposited Films by Analysis of Variable-Angle Fluorescence Data Curves. Langmuir. 1988 Sep 1;4(5):1131u201341.
- Yoshida DE, Ives JT, Reichert WM, Christensen DA, Andrade JD. Development of fiber optic fluoroimmunoassay: Proximal vs. distal end collection geometries of a fiber sensor. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 1988 Apr 8;904:57u201362.
- Ives JT, Reichert WM, Andrade JD. Polymer thin film waveguide sensors: Characterization of scattered light intensity at the waveguide surface. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 1988 Jan 19;822:182u20137.
- Ives JT, Reichert WM. Polymer thin film integrated optics: Fabrication and characterization of polystyrene waveguides. Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 1988 Jan 1;36(2):429u201343.
- Reichert WM, Bruckner CJ, Joseph J. Langmuir-Blodgett films and black lipid membranes in biospecific surface-selective sensors. Thin Solid Films. 1987 Sep 14;152(1u20132):345u201376.
- Newby K, Andrade JD, Benner RE, Reichert WM. Remote sensing of protein adsorption using a single optical fiber. Journal of Colloid And Interface Science. 1986 Jan 1;111(1):280u20132.
- Andrade JD, Lin JN, Herron J, Reichert M, Kopecek J. FIBER OPTIC IMMUNODETECTORS: SENSORS OR DOSIMETERS? . Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 1986;718:280u20135.
- Reichert WM, Newby K, Andrade JD. WAVEGUIDE EVANESCENT STREAK EXCITATION OF ADSORBED PROTEIN FLUORESCENCE. Transactions of the Annual Meeting of the Society for Biomaterials in conjunction with the Interna. 1985 Dec 1;8:5.
- Lin JN, Hlady V, Reichert WM, Andrade JD. IMMUNOSENSORS BASED ON EVANESCENT-EXCITED FLUORESCENCE. Electrochemical Society Extended Abstracts. 1985 Dec 1;85u20132:489u201390.
- Richards JM, McClennen WH, Meuzelaar HLC, Gregonis DE, Reichert WM, Helle MA. Structural Analysis of Biomer by Pyrolysis Mass Spectrometry and Thermogravimetry. Macromolecules. 1985 Jan 1;18(3):496u2013500.
- Reichert WM, Filisko FE, Barenberg SA. Effect of low-dose irradiation on the surface properties of poly[(trifluoroethoxy)(telomer fluoro alkoxy)phosphazene]. Journal of Colloid And Interface Science. 1984 Jan 1;101(2):565u201374.
- Newby K, Reichert WM, Andrade JD, Benner RE. Remote spectroscopic sensing of chemical adsorption using a single multimode optical fiber. Applied Optics. 1984 Jan 1;23(11):1812u20135.
- Richards J, McClennen WH, Meuzelaar HLC, Gregonis DE, Reichert M. CURIE-POINT PYROLYSIS MASS SPECTROMETRY OF POLYURETHANE ARTIFICIAL HEART IMPLANTS. Annual Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics. 1983 Dec 1;152u20133.
- Rockhold SA, Quinn RD, Wagenen RAV, Andrade JD, Reichert M. Total internal reflection fluorescence (TIRF) as a quantitative probe of protein adsorption. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry. 1983 Jul 25;150(1u20132):261u201375.
- Barenberg SA, Reichert WM, Mauritz KA. Thrombogenesis: effect of molecular motions, surface order, and hydrophobicity of the polymer interface. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 1983 Jan;416:538u201360.
- Reichert WM, Filisko FE, Barenberg SA. HEMOCOMPATIBILITY: MACROMOLECULAR MOTIONS AND THROMBOGENESIS II. Transactions of the Annual Meeting of the Society for Biomaterials in conjunction with the Interna. 1982 Dec 1;5:47.
- Reichert WM, Filisko FE, Barenberg SA. Polyphosphazenes: effect of molecular motions on thrombogenesis. Journal of biomedical materials research. 1982 May;16(3):301u201312.
- Rockhold SA, Quinn RD, van Wagenen RA, Andrade JD, Reichert M. TOTAL INTERNAL REFLECTION FLUORESCENCE (TIRF) AS A QUANTITATIVE PROBE OF PROTEIN ADSORPTION. Journal of electroanalytical chemistry and interfacial electrochemistry. 1982 Jan 1;150(1u20132):261u201375.
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