Duke Engineers Awarded 24 Major Externally Funded Graduate Fellowships
Highly competitive national awards will help new and returning BME graduate students and post-docs conduct exciting research
Highly competitive national awards will help new and returning BME graduate students and post-docs conduct exciting research
Resistance can be fought by targeting bacteria that are “selfish” with their antibiotic resistance tools
Found director Amanda Randles will lead its efforts to apply “data-driven approaches to enhance disease diagnosis, treatment and prevention.”
New curriculum for intro engineering class focuses on computational thinking.
The annual lecture enables Duke faculty to learn more about the work of their recently hired colleagues
The Karsh STEM+ Scholars Program will match undergraduate students who have declared majors in disciplines in the natural sciences, engineering, and STEM-related fields with faculty in the Pratt School of Engineering and Trinity College of Arts & Sciences.
By combining biochemistry, molecular biology, physics and computer science, new faculty member Philip Romero aims to decode and engineer novel proteins
New faculty member Pengfei Song will work with faculty across basic science, engineering and medicine to improve the scientific and clinical impact of ultrasound technologies
New faculty member Ophelia Venturelli explores how the microbial world in our gastrointestinal tract can be engineered to keep us healthy
Researchers have discovered that a long-overlooked feature of our cells plays an outsized role by filling a missing link in electrochemical processes
Pilot funding will support innovative, collaborative research projects that will contribute to the transformation of biomedical solutions to health inequities
An ultra-fast model of a neuron’s response to electrical stimulation enables efficient design of nerve stimulation therapies